Monday, 10 November 2014

Too much fun in Second Grade!!

First of all, WELCOME BACK Ms FRAZIER!!  We are all so happy that you have joined us in second grade.  It is so hard to leave such a small baby at home, but we are happy you are here.  

We have finished our wonderful unit on community.  We learned so much about all the different kinds of communities that we are part of. 

This past week we have started a new science unit titled:  Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems.  We will focus on these essential questions:

What are plants and what are the different structures and functions of the plant parts?
What are seeds and how are seeds dispersed?
How do plants grow?
What are the basic requirements that plants need to grow?
How do different conditions affect plant growth?

What is an ecosystem?
How do living things interact in ecosystems?
How do plants depend on animals for seed dispersion?
How can we make an ecosystem?
What is a habitat?  What are examples of habitats in Jordan?

Our reading and writing unit are connected to our science unit.  Both will focus on Non-fiction texts.  

For math, we have begun a unit on addition and subtraction.  We will build on using multiple strategies to add and subtract.  We will focus on how to explain our thinking verbally, through pictures, through numbers and really 'talk' about problem solving strategies.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

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