Monday, 24 November 2014

Ecosystem in Second Grade

Mr Eid came to second grade and talked to us about Ecosystems.  He showed us an ecosystem is n a bottle.  We learned that in an ecosystem all organic life depend on each other.  We are so grateful to Mr Eid!

There was a live fish in the bottle!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

November news

Second Grade News:

The past few weeks we have begun to see the connection between living things in ecosystems.  Our science unit is titled: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems.  We now have focused on how living things depend on each other to continue through their life cycles.  Understanding that plants depend on water and light to grow and plants depend on animals for pollination (or to move their seeds around) are key concepts throughout this unit.

Our Readers Workshop and Writing Workshop units have been integrated with our science unit.  We have focused on reading and comprehending non-fiction text.  We are experts in identifying features and the purpose of those features in non-fiction texts.  We also are researching non-fiction topics of interests and writing non-fiction pieces.  These will be published in the next couple of weeks.  

In math, we are learning so many new strategies to help us add and subtract.  It is great to have multiple ways to solve problems and key to be able to explain how we solved those problems.  We are reading and solving many story problems learning target words to guide us in how to solve the word problem.  

Thinking about gratitude has been a special focus this week.  This is our character trait of the month which connects perfectly to the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving.  Second graders read a lovely book titled Gratitude Soup where the character learns to appreciate people and experiences versus material objects.  The girl in the story creates a 'soup' filled with her ideas of things she is grateful for.  This week we are going to make 'gratitude granola' sharing what we are most grateful for in our lives.  We have also written letters of appreciation to those people that may be often forgotten and have not had the recognition they deserve!  The homework this week is to create a poster expressing gratitude!   

Monday, 10 November 2014

Too much fun in Second Grade!!

First of all, WELCOME BACK Ms FRAZIER!!  We are all so happy that you have joined us in second grade.  It is so hard to leave such a small baby at home, but we are happy you are here.  

We have finished our wonderful unit on community.  We learned so much about all the different kinds of communities that we are part of. 

This past week we have started a new science unit titled:  Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems.  We will focus on these essential questions:

What are plants and what are the different structures and functions of the plant parts?
What are seeds and how are seeds dispersed?
How do plants grow?
What are the basic requirements that plants need to grow?
How do different conditions affect plant growth?

What is an ecosystem?
How do living things interact in ecosystems?
How do plants depend on animals for seed dispersion?
How can we make an ecosystem?
What is a habitat?  What are examples of habitats in Jordan?

Our reading and writing unit are connected to our science unit.  Both will focus on Non-fiction texts.  

For math, we have begun a unit on addition and subtraction.  We will build on using multiple strategies to add and subtract.  We will focus on how to explain our thinking verbally, through pictures, through numbers and really 'talk' about problem solving strategies.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.